Elevate events with seamless solutions

Bespoke Event Delivery

and Tech Consulting


Leveraging profound broadcasting acumen alongside tailored development methodologies to curate exceptional virtual and hybrid events, ensuring an indelible and unparalleled experience.

RG Vision Events blends expertise in the management of virtual and hybrid events with registrant and broadcast platform configuration, to create immersive experiences for your audience. From event conceptualization to execution, we tailor our solutions to your needs – be that managing the event lifecycle through registration, delivery and post-event activities, or providing a specific solution to address a gap in your existing offering.

Underpinned by the highest production standards, and facilitated by state-of-the-art broadcast galleries, RG Vision Events utilises Swoogo, an innovative platform technology, for a data-driven approach that allows you to better engage and understand your event attendees.

Event management

Our team of experienced event managers can lead or support in the development, planning and management of your event, to ensure it achieves its goals.

Production values

RG Vision's team of designers and video editors can create a bespoke virtual environment, scoped to meet the desired format, mood and specifications of your broadcast along with a  range of in-broadcast videos, transitions and stylised assets, achieving a ‘TV-quality’ production.

Broadcast capabilities

With a central control hub comprising two state-of-the-art galleries, RG Vision Events can facilitate a wide range of virtual or hybrid broadcasts to meet your event needs. We can help to best curate your programme, stimulate your audience, and deliver a truly unique virtual experience.

Event platform

For virtual-only and hybrid events, we can facilitate the design, creation and management of bespoke registration and broadcast platforms. As both a Swoogo Agency and Integration partner, we can provide assistance on your instance or facilitate your event from our Swoogo agency platform.

System integration

Our teams have extensive experience in integrating systems, achieved either through out-of-the-box connectors from your event platform or through custom development to tailor to your internal needs, to ensure you automate as much as possible and remove operational friction.

Data and visualisation

Our data engineers and business intelligence specialists can help you to configure in-built reporting capabilities of the event platform, provide custom integrations into your existing data sets or even help you start a fully-integrated data and reporting journey.

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